Prayer Warrior
2017-04-28 14:59:51 UTC
Tinnitus is a complex neurological disorder of the brain. The brain is
still a medical mystery. Doctors are at a complete loss.
It is logical to assume that everyone who has bad tinnitus who believes
in a God prays to God for a miracle and
to take the noise away. There is another way to pray other than for
yourself. Prayers can become supercharged with help from others. Praying
for others and having others pray for you can have miraculous results.
People without tinnitus do not understand the pain you are going through.
But being a T suffer myself, I Do. And I will say a healing prayer for
Post your prayer request here in this group. And when you see a prayer
request, please say a healing prayer for that person.
Let us pray for each other and thru Gods grace be healed.
still a medical mystery. Doctors are at a complete loss.
It is logical to assume that everyone who has bad tinnitus who believes
in a God prays to God for a miracle and
to take the noise away. There is another way to pray other than for
yourself. Prayers can become supercharged with help from others. Praying
for others and having others pray for you can have miraculous results.
People without tinnitus do not understand the pain you are going through.
But being a T suffer myself, I Do. And I will say a healing prayer for
Post your prayer request here in this group. And when you see a prayer
request, please say a healing prayer for that person.
Let us pray for each other and thru Gods grace be healed.